Originally Posted by Dazed&Confuzed
I agree that the new issue brought up is more significant than the socialization one unless you have an extremely social child that needs that level of interaction daily. I know for us, my DS and I BUTTED heads every. single. day when he was at school. Homework took 2hrs or more for 1st grade.

My son was often butting heads with everyone when he was attending school too. The biggest behavioral problems he's had in his life were on the play ground after school.

We have a pretty laid back approach to homeschooling. As long as we're reading, writing, doing some math daily and then getting regular exposure to history and science I'm fine. Especially after we had achievement testing that really did show we really are that far ahead. That did help clinch for my DH a bit. I consider my son and I a team and if something isn't working we sit down and work out a solution. My DS also takes piano, which is an area is regularly challenged and pushed in. But in general, I require very little "output" and no more acadmics than a normal kid his age gets. That just gives him that much more time to dive into his own interests, where some of his best learning takes place. He is also a kid that reads for an hour or 2 a day without prodding, which makes life simpler too.