We are in the same spot with a 9y/o fall bd 4th grader (no skip, so she's a year older than your dd). She is doing some supplemental math with EPGY this year b/c she wouldn't be learning anything in math otherwise and I've hsed dd11 in the past. My big concern and reason for wanting dd9 home next year is that I see her morphing into what she sees as acceptable socially -- which is not true to her self and her intelligence. She doesn't want to be smart b/c she doesn't want to be different. She is also a very erratic achiever in school.

Are you a SAHM already? For us, it requires losing my income, so that's probably the biggest issue. I'm trying to see if there is a way to get a hs co-op together where I live to see if that could help with the social aspect and maybe allow me to still work a little. My dd is very, very outgoing as well. She, however, is also very interested in hsing. How does your dd feel about that option? (You don't happen to live in Colorado do you -- lol?)