I will say I think this issue your husband is raising is more legitimate than the socialization one and it is worth considering and planning for. My main response would be that one way or another you and your daughter will need to find a way to work together. That relationship doesn't go away because she goes to school. It just shifts over into homework time - a time when people are tired and tempers and already flaring. This isn't a really good way to evaluate what homeschooling will be like because her overall level of stress will likely be much lower as a homeschooler. School work can happen when she's got the most energy for the day and it can be customized to be appropriate for her needs. That's really different than being the enforcer on a homework assignment that may not be particularly appropriate.

And, again, it is a year. If he you butt heads you find a way to work through that or not. Worst case scenario you conclude you will never be her teacher. Best case scenario you both find ways to adapt and work together better.