No way do I think you are goofy, Kriston. I can relate to your struggles which is why I've benefitted from reading your posts. It hasn't turned me off at all, just confirmed for me what the issue would be for me if I did homeschool. It just allows me to think a little more about it and prepare for it better.
Right now, the kids seem to be doing okay in school, but a red flag pops every now and again. I could forsee a certain point where I would homeschool if that would be in their best interests, which is why I'm looking into it. I gave DD7 the singapore pre-tests to see which book we could work on after school etc.
I think you a doing a great thing by homeschooling. As I've mentioned earlier, my k-12 experience was just ridiculous, I've often thought homeschooling would have made a huge difference for me then.

It goes without saying, but I'm glad this forum is here for all of us to exchange ideas. I wouldn't go so far as to say you are no more overburdoned than any other mom. I wouldn't trade my situation for anything, but I do know I can't talk about it with just any moms. I honestly can't even talk about it to my gifted denial family, mostly(except for my dad). It's great to come here and find kindred spirits!!
Good luck with the book, I'm sure it will get written one way or the other!!!!!!!!!!!
