I have to thank you both. This has been a very valuable "conversation," and through the links provided, I have found some great resources, including our local gifted association and gifted homeschooling association.

For us, the homeschool issues would be: 1) I work; 2) my family would freak out - they have enough trouble with DS as it is, since he's so clearly not like other kids to begin with; and 3) I'm just not sure what's best for him. Interestingly, this morning he told me his ideal school would be hands-on (after all, the scientists at NASA don't just do the calculations - they build the rockets, too). He also told me for the first time that school is boring because it's too easy. He wants to be doing the calculations to build those NASA rockets, not wasting his time with the easy stuff.

So I'm educating myself as to how to best educate him. And looking for other gifted children for him to hang out with. And maybe some additional activities through various local homeschool groups. So thanks again!

And here is one of the great links I found that I thought I would share with all of you. Definitely helps me with our constant web searches: http://www.emints.org/ethemes/resources/by-grade.shtml#9_

Happy New Year!