Thanks, Lorel. I do give myself frequent breaks, but I'm someone who needs a LOT of alone time. *Much* more than the average person. And the more time I spend being social--even just with my kids--the more alone time I need to compensate. Since virtually every time DS is social, I have to be, too, I'm really having to go with my "alone time" batteries at nearly empty most of the time.

I don't see how I could possibly get enough time to myself while home schooling. It's one of the sacrifices I've accepted that I have to make--one that wouldn't be a sacrifice for most people--and it's one of the reasons we're considering a private gifted school for next year. But mine is a pretty unique situation, and one that there's just no good solution for...short of locking DS6 in the basement and tossing books down to him. wink
