Originally Posted by Kriston
Truth be told, I enjoy my kids a lot more than I did before home schooling. We don't drive each other crazy nearly as often as we did before. I know that seems backwards, but it really is the truth. We connect better, and I understand DS6 better than I did. That's on top of all the educational and emotional gains that DS6 has made by being home. I'm glad we did it!

That's interesting. Anybody else has the same experience?

Originally Posted by Lori H.
One of the hardest things I have had to deal with in homeschooling my son is the lack of homeschooling groups in our rural area. We do belong to one, but not only does my son not fit in, I don't either, and it is very lonely.

Lori, I'm sorry you have such a hard time fitting in. It must feel quite lonely. It must be hard not to have anybody in a similar situation.

Your son still has a few good friends and may be that's all he needs. I am an introvert and when I was a kid staying home and reading a book seemed more interesting than being outside playing with other kids. If he is happy with the situation then all is well (at least for him).
