Thanks Grinity. And everyone for sharing. It has been very enlightening.

It often helps me to remember that the outburst is only for that moment. Even tho the outburst is very strong and intense, it is like a big wave. And after it has its moment, it will ebb. And the feeling will subside.

Next time, there may be another big wave, but it too will ebb.

I've tried describing that to my 6 yr old so child can know that the feelings will come and then they will go. It is only for a moment and not forever/constant. Because that's what I wished someone had told me o so long ago. smile

I agree with most of what all of you said. To accept them, that this is who they are. And so true, Grinity, if it is only 1 hour out of 24 hours that there is a meltdown, but have a happy kid for the other 23 hours -- that's great! Very good point.