I've been wondering what will happen if I just stop worrying about the emotional meltdowns and stop trying to extinguish this behavior. No matter what my husband and I do, our son is going to have at least 1-2 major emotional meltdowns per day. I think I've come to the conclusion that ds6 is simply incapable of handling stress in any other way. I have felt this great need to find the perfect behavior modification technique to address this behavior and "teach" ds that it's inappropriate to throw a fit when he either is frustrated or doesn't get his way. Even ds is aware that he over-reacts, but he's unable to help himself. Nothing we do makes any difference, so I'm letting myself off the hook. When it starts, he goes to his room and that's that. I'm not going to worry about "teaching him a lesson" or doing the right thing as a parent. I'm going to do NOTHING and hope he grows out of it. I'm done!!! No more worrying if he's having an emotional breakdown, if he's a brat, if he's hypoglycemic/hungry, if he's tired, if he's had too much TV, if he's mentally unstable, or if he's going to be this way when he's 15. God help us, but just maybe it's part of who he is. All I know is I'm going to start having my own daily meltdowns if I don't stop worrying about it. So, I'm just accepting it as a part of our lives right now...only I refuse to address it anymore, even if that means locking myself in my room until it's over.

Anyone else just let it happen and move on? I honestly can't take it anymore. Thanks for "listening" to my rant. No one else seems to be able to relate!