Originally Posted by JenSMP
I have felt this great need to find the perfect behavior modification technique to address this behavior and "teach" ds that it's inappropriate to throw a fit when he either is frustrated or doesn't get his way. Even ds is aware that he over-reacts, but he's unable to help himself. Nothing we do makes any difference, so I'm letting myself off the hook. When it starts, he goes to his room and that's that. I'm not going to worry about "teaching him a lesson" or doing the right thing as a parent. I'm going to do NOTHING and hope he grows out of it. I'm done!!!

Wow Jen! I just found this thread. I wish you could have seen the huge smile on my face when I read this! I am jumping up and down - cheering!

I really believe that this is the right approach for your family right now. All the second guessing is your own perfectionism, keeping you from moving ahead. Your sister is like this - it's not such a bad way to be, really!

Afterall, If you son is pleasant and happy 23 hours of the day, and freaking out in his room 1 hour a day - most people would trade places with him!

Love and More Love,

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