The PSI was 6 in coding and 9 in symbol search. They told me he had very, very slow performance and was just determined to do it all perfectly but couldn't do it quickly at all. So I don't know if what he did get finished he got right or if he was slow and still missing things. They didn't tell me that. Knowing what I know now, it all makes sense to me that his visual issues really hurt him in these areas, but again, that doesn't seem to count.

He is progressing with his visual problems and we are seeing some improvement already which is very exciting!!! I don't know - I guess I could request that he be tested again in the spring but I'm not sure they would do it. Also, he has gotten kind of discouraged with the whole process and when we talked about it the other day, he said he just wanted to quit pursuing it. I don't know of any other options I have anyway (other than private testing and I'm just not sure what good that would realistically do him) so I guess I'm going to have to let it go at this point. Unless anyone has any other suggestions???