
You said you were told "it would be difficult to provide an appropriate education for him at our small town school, so we got nothing from our school. When we complained to the superintendent, he told us we needed to continue homeschooling. When we contacted the state gifted coordinator's office, they told me there is no law in our state requiring an appropriate education for 2E kids, so we have no choice but to homeschool."

All I can say is how awful that they said there was nothing your state's schools could do!!! He does sound as if he has some similar problems to my DS as far as the visual issues though. It is interesting that he didn't test as having a perceptual problem.

The doctor showed me one test they did for my son where he had to read a list of numbers going up and down and he was timed doing this. He was then given the same numbers to read going across. Theoretically they should be read during the same amount of time. However, the up and down reading was much faster than the across reading. My son made a comment about how the numbers were all over the place and not in a line and how hard it was to read them that way!!! I was shocked because I saw the numbers and they were in perfectly straight lines. It made me realize how things are perceived by him and how this could definitely cause him problems with reading and with numbers. Has your son made any comments such as this to let you know what he is perceiving as he looks at the numbers or when he reads? If nothing else it has helped me to relate to what he is going through a little better.

I hope you can do any further therapy at home too. The doctor's who specialize in this kind of thing are few and far between. At least in my area they are. I hope you get some answers from the doctor's you are taking him too and I really hope you get the accommodations he needs. If he needed glasses they'd let him use those! It's so much harder with the problems that can't be "seen".