Thanks for the warm welcome! He is 9 years old and currently in 4th grade and tested at the end of 2nd grade. It is a long story, but I have been working on this for about a year and a half. The rules seem to have changed mid-stream for how you get admitted to the program. At any rate, I finally know what is going on with him with the visual disability and all, so I am excited to finally have that figured out.

The GT thing is just a pull out for 1 hour a week. He has lots of friends in there so he would like to be in there also. I don't think he feels under challenged at all because he does struggle with things due to his visual problems. He has a wide interest in lots of topics and I guess I was hoping the GT program would give him some extra, different kinds of stuff to do that would excite him. Also, with all the struggling he has done, I would love to have his intelligence celebrated. It would be good for his self esteem.

He is in a magnet school and it is an excellerated program already. He is making straight A's currently so he is being able to compensate for the visual problems (and he has a wonderfully understanding and accommodating teacher). That is why I am not sure it is worth pursuing. I don't know that the program is that special to warrant any further effort on my part. If I truly thought it would be wonderfully beneficial I would fight on, but I'm just not sure. But like I said before, somehow this just all doesn't seem right. The teacher today seemed to know less about 2e kids than I did, and I've only just learned about it and began researching it a week ago!!!! That seems wrong somehow.

Why do schools not recognize the high verbal score?? From what I read on the internet this is a good indicator. However, she kept saying he was obvious advanced in the verbal area but not in other areas and she wasn't receptive to the idea that the visual perception and tracking problems could have been the cause of that. I was very disappointed in the response and the lack of understanding to be honest.

I'd appreciate your take on the situation. Thanks!