I am in the process of composing my e-mail to the supervisor. I have to write, think about it, let it sit, think about it some more and write some more. :-) I just want to make sure I say what I want to say.

I think that is so wonderful that your school found another 2e on their own!!! That does show that they do care and just needed educating, and then they were able to run with the information. Good for you and good for them! That was my biggest problem with the teacher I talked to. She obviously did not know what I was talking about but was totally uninterested in hearing about it. I would hope these educators would want to do all they can to serve the children that they teach. You have given me hope that maybe others will be willing to at least listen to me. I am also hopeful that the supervisor of this entire county's gifted program will at least be familiar with 2e and can direct me in what steps are being taken to help this particular population of gifted children.

You have been so supportive and I really appreciate that. I don't know anyone else with a 2e (although I am sure I actually do know them but they haven't been identified) so no one else really understands what I am going through. It helps to talk with some else that has been there. Thank you so much!!!! :-)