Originally Posted by DrH
As for traveling and paying 160/hour for a 8 hour test... well frankly I think they are just trying to make a bit more profit from you than they should. Any decent child psychologist should be able to recognize Aspergers and it shouldn't take 8 hours and 2 days of testing to do it.

Well, I know for a fact that Dr. Amend is so busy that he could easily turn away clients and suffer no ill effects to his business, so I feel very confident in saying that his interaction with Squirt is not some money-making scheme on his part.

Dr. Amend is VERY well-respected--a leader in the field of GT testing and counseling. He is just about the furthest thing from a snake-oil salesman that you're going to find!

I agree that it's possible that Dr. Amend could be more expert than is called for in this case, especially given the distance involved. (I don't have any idea if he *is* more than what's needed or not, but I can see that it might be possible.) But please, DrH, don't make sweeping negative judgements about a specific professional without having some idea who he is and what he does. I hate to see a good person's reputation smeared unfairly...
