I think you need to stop trying to prove to the world that he is gifted and needs to be in a gifted program.

IF as you believe he has Aspergers then you should focus on that first. I would suggest you accept that Aspergers and gifted are not related. Assume the Aspergers is like bad eyesight... you wouldn't run around trying to find a gifted test that he could pass with poor eyesight you would start by getting him glasses. Get him help with the Aspergers and then worry about the rest.

What you've been saying and describing would make me think he has Aspergers... maybe not as severe as some but enough that it is causing some problems.

As for traveling and paying 160/hour for a 8 hour test... well frankly I think they are just trying to make a bit more profit from you than they should. Any decent child psychologist should be able to recognize Aspergers and it shouldn't take 8 hours and 2 days of testing to do it.

Last edited by DrH; 04/27/09 02:30 PM.