Originally Posted by DrH
You should reread what you wrote... "I know he is well-regarded because my son was tested by him and I live in the area he serves." Do you really think because a doctor performs a test and live in your area that he is "well-regarded"?

No, you asked how I knew he was well-regarded unless I am in the business. My response was that I know because a) he tested my son, so I have some personal experience with him, and b) because he serves my local area, and so I know MANY people who have used him as a tester. He has also spoken to a group of parents of GT kids that I have attended (and to other groups in the area that I have not attended, but know about). If he were a snake-oil salesman, I think I'd have some sense of it by now...as would the entire rest of the gifted community at large!

That he is nationally recognized as an expert is, as Mia and passthepotatoes have noted, simply a fact. Do your research. Check the titles of books that people praise. His books are there. Check the speakers at national GT conferences. He is there as a speaker.

Again, I will reiterate that his eminence in the field does NOT necessarily mean that Squirt should spend the money to take her child to KY to see him. I agree with you that higher cost does not necessarily equal better value, and I have stated that repeatedly. But you made specific claims about a specific person. I found that to be problematic, and so I defended his professional status.

For the record, I am not his wife or connected to him or his business in any way. I just don't like to see aspersions cast on a good person who is not around to defend himself.

And now I feel I have defended my position on this sufficiently. Moving on...
