Originally Posted by JustAMom
Colorado and Maryland have a gifted twice exceptional handbook on how their school district will proceed in instructing 2E students.
Just FYI, although I saw the 2E stuff for Colorado on line at some point a while back, at my ds6's IEP meeting last month the psych told me that the state (we're in CO) was changing its criteria for special needs services, and would not be offering any services (with the exception of speech) unless a student was performing below grade level. I don't know when this supposed change is taking place, but I got the feeling it was very soon.

Regardless, although our district has had a full time gifted program, it does not seem to be appropriate for 2E kids, from the way I have read the handbook for the gifted program. It may all be moot because the district is about to execute some massive budget cuts.

Last edited by snowgirl; 04/21/09 09:26 PM.