Originally Posted by mizzoumommy
Really, I just need to stop caring about what anyone else might think. They don't know my kids the way I do. I know what I need to do, even so...it's difficult for me.

One one hand, yes of course you have to find a way to 'stop caring' about what other's think, here in the USA it's really popular to have 'strong' boundries, and 'be your own person,' but there is another hand. Humans are social animals. Mothering is a high stress job, and it's normal and natural to want your full heritage of wise adults who have walked this road before you.

So I would say that it's only a small twist of fate that you are one of the very few people who happen to be parenting a child who is taking an 'alternate developmental path.' So your natural desire to be social is turned against you, that's all. Join your local gifted association, go to a few conferences or programs, post and read here. It's totally normal to want 'social parenting' - 'it takes a village,' remember? However, you have to be really really careful in who you pick to be your village, because your child is just plain really really unusual.

Love and More Love,

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