Sing it sister! Just yesterday my Father-In-Law felt it was necessary to give me some sort of lecture because my 2nd grade (homeschooled) son is doing 5th-6th grade math. In FIL's eyes this is some how hurting my son. Although, he couldn't explain to me how. DS does his math all by himself on the computer....the program grades his work (he gets all 95% or higher) so I told him it's not even possible for me to be pushing him, and if he were getting 75% or something like that....well then yea, his math would be too hard. I really wanted to tell him to mind his own business. Uggg.

I don't know about everyone else's kids, but if I push mine too hard they just shut down and learning time is over. So I just follow their lead, and give them exactly what they can handle.