So, this is my first post. I feel like this is a fun thread to get my feet wet.

DS5: At 3 and 4, it was dinosaurs, dinosaurs and more dinosaurs. He discovered the pronunciations in the parenthesis of dino names and loved to decode them. He also enjoyed stories and make believe games that involved time travel, portals and black holes. He became very interested in the human body for a while. Now at 5, he has discovered kiddie anime and power rangers and still loves building "contraptions" and other structures with magnatiles(which he has loved since infancy). When he gets into something, he super focuses on it so it will be interesting to see what passions are unlocked once kindergarten begins next year. He also likes swimming, hiking, karate, museums and playgrounds.

DD18m: letters, letter sounds, counting everything,, spinning things, farm animals, animal sounds,
fingerplays/motion songs, drawing, books, shoes. I am super excited to see what else will grab her interest!