DD is 3Y4M, and loves to play with words and very often leaves us tongue-tied.

When she was 2Y7M, she was sitting on her car seat playing with her Molecube, while I was driving. She suddenly threw it into the car floor. I said �Did you just throw the Molecube?�. DD replied, �No, I just helped the molecube to fly.�

When she was 2Y10M, on a particular instance, I said �Why do you keep shouting all the time?�. DD said (with every statement she turned her head into the general direction of what she was telling about) �I don�t shout all the time. I jump on the sofa, I ride my bike, I eat strawberries, I draw on the paper, I play with lego blocks, I watch TV, I play on iPad, I walk into the play room, I sleep on my bed, I color with crayons. See? I don�t shout all the time.�

Recently, when I told her "DD, Stop" while she was doing something. She said "I'm not Alexa. Say 'Can you please Stop'" If you own an Amazon Echo, you'd know what she meant.

And a few other of her statements,

�I want to climb on the slide and slide on the climb�

"If ring is rang, why is bring not brang".

"My nose is not small, my nose is bigger than a small nose"

�Can you give me something sweet, colorful and �M� on it?� (Apparently, asking for an M&M)