Ducks, and ducks and yellow and yellow ducks! My DD just turned 3 and has loved yellow and ducks since she was a baby, it became an obsession about a year ago. Give her cat toys and she calls them her ducklings, give her legos and she makes ducks, paint and she paints ducks, etc. She doesn't change her clothes she changes her feathers(all yellow), we don't wash hands and face we wash wings and beak. I'm her mommy hen and her daddy is her drake(mother ducks are called hens and fathers are drakes). She is our duckling and she doesn't have a name she wants to be called what she is(Duck most of the time). If I call her by her given name she gets upset and asks why I didn't know she was a duck when she hatched! smile She actually quacks when she is sleeping sometimes.

She likes other things and even pretends to be other animals sometimes but ducks are definitely her thing. Funny thing is we live by some real ducks who just had ducklings and she is only mildly interested in them, she prefers duck books both fictional and non-fictional, and duck toys.