My son has been into gauges since he was three. Oh, and clocks. (He's busted at least six of those.)

He loves compasses (could read them at 3.5)and any other gauge (like compression gauges, etc.) He has been into temperature gauges for at least a year and loves to compare Celsius and Fahrenheit.

He "bee-lines" to any fire extinguishers to check out their "status".

He has a pedometer that he wears occasionally, too.

I was telling him today to put away his collection of stuff. He has such a wide range of "odds and ends": Dominoes, Marbles, Broken Gauges, Clocks, Mexican Jumping Beans, Mardigras Beads, Thermometers, Watches, Etch-A-Sketch, Gears (from a toy), Blocks, a Stopwatch, Calculators, Magic 8-Ball, Rubiks Cube....

Does your child's stash of collectables look similar?