Originally Posted by annette
Originally Posted by GeoMamma
Is being contrary a passion? He's certainly passionately contrary! Actually, he seems to have less obsessions than his older brother. Must be time to try and hook in a few smile

My little lawyer *loves* to be contrary. lol.
Those poor preschool teachers! They say "Good Morning." He says, "I'm a robot." They give butterfly finger puppet kisses, and he "doesn't like butterflies."

I am so glad I'm not the only one with a contrary child. DS2.5 has always been fairly noncompliant, but he's really been perfecting it lately. Good things he's still so cute.

He does have one new passion though which makes me feel like a negligent mother, but oh those rare moments of peace when he's watching a monster movie! Jurassic Park 3 is his recent favorite. It started off as an innocent dinosaur obsession, I promise. Sigh, I'm hanging my head in shame and nodding off to sleep at the same time.