I was thinking "DS doesn't really obsess that much..." and hadn't posted...

But then today, he hit a 4 year old because he wasn't playing "backhoe" properly (he was moving his elbow wrong). And that WAS after spending 3 hours waiting for the dump-truck. And getting mad at me for confusing a bullet train with some other high-speed train. And insisting that we take the streetcar rather than the bus, and that he be allowed to see the driver, and that we explain to him why the stops on the streetcar only partially match the subway. And an extensive discussion of the propulsion mechanisms on tug-boats. And a melt-down over Lee Valley Tools'inadequate train set, and half an hour spent examining the mechanisms on the toy tractor at Lee Valley, and that *was* all in one day... and I am quite sure I've left somehtings out...

DS doesn't usually hit or anything, so I just got him to say sorry, but, perhaps I should re-evaluate, and come to terms with the fact that my son *does* have a bit of a thing about vehicles...hmmmm...


DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!