I am so sorry - I was one of the girls in my school that did not want to be in groups that talked about fashion, beauty or boys during the recesses. I spent much time reading books.

I think that part of the problem she is facing is because the school that grade skipped your DD did not arrange enough support for her and is not following up on how well she has integrated into the new environment. This is a pretty common attitude and they assume that all is well if nothing is brought to their attention.

The only effective way in which my DS has found a place for himself through many rough school changes and 1 grade acceleration is by playing team sports. He loves to play sports and that has eventually given him a common ground to interact with kids who might not have any other interests in common with him. Being in ensembles, after school clubs etc have not been as effective for him as the interactions gained from playing a team sport with others. That also cuts down on talk about things that he is not interested in at lunch - he does not have exposure to popular culture and is at a loss when those topics are discussed - so, he talks about their common sport most of the time and then, after lunch he plays his sport with the kids he ate with in the little time left over in the lunch recess.

The school did arrange a "buddy" for DS when he skipped grades and changed schools this year and he showed him around and welcomed him. This was the full extent of the "support" they provided for DS and it was our good fortune that this buddy was a really nice child who was motivated to help DS. And DS is familiar with a lot of kids because they group kids randomly for science experiments, musical performances and PE. But, it has been team sports that has redeemed DS from a lot of loneliness and being left alone.

The AIG teacher or homeroom teacher might be able to help by arranging for your daughter to be with groups that have similar interests.

If your daughter might like to play a team sport, it could be a good way to make friendships without getting involved in discussions about hairstyles. And she could share a common interest and not feel that the other girls find her annoying.