If it doesn't exist, it should be started! No one should eat alone. What a great initiative. OP, I am so sorry for your daughters situation. I was alone all through elementary school. By seventh grade, things got better.
Edited because I got cut off! I meant to say that some kids may feel (certainly I felt that way) that they are somehow unable to make friends, that they are doomed to be alone forever, that the one friend they have out of school is just the exception that proves the rule and so on, particularly if they can tell their parents are worried about them, too, and she needs to know that this WILL change.
I think both you and she should be aware, too, that this is much more about overall fit than it is about her. As you are aware and she is probably, too, if you are bullied/rejected, there is always a component about your own personality that makes you vulnerable, though this never means it is somehow your fault! But it does mean that once you fiend a better fit (and she will at some point in life!) that trait about her, in her case, for instance, her sarcastic wit, will be something that people appreciate her for as opposed to being put off by.
If she is able and willing, she may practice to fit in, trying to have silly conversations about hairstyles or whatever. Personally I feel doing this does not mean denying yourself or dumbing down, but, in adapting to your circumstances, learning a valuable skill that you may need on your professional life. It is not something one should have to do forever, but it may get her through middle school.

Last edited by Tigerle; 12/09/15 12:08 AM.