Well, it has been a super long time and I just came across my log in info so I thought I would post a 2 year follow up for the benefit of anyone who winds up on this post after searching neurofeedback.

My DD is still doing GREAT!!! She has had some follow up Sessions using my NeurOptimal® system (because she can). She enrolled herself in Community college, passed her Freshman English class, Clepped out of the rest of the English classes and she is set to graduate this year. WooHoo! She also has a part time job and has been taking Karate and helping teach the children's classes. She will get her Black belt this year too! She has made friends, has discovered an artistic talent and just has a love of life again. This all could have gone so very differently for her, I feel so thankful that we found neurofeedback.

I have now been seeing people in my office for almost 3 years and so far everyone has seen benefit. Fairly quickly too, within 3 to 15 sessions. I am doing my best to make it affordable to anyone who wants it. I have even been known to barter when necessary smile.

It is so rewarding to see the shifts in people's lives no matter what they come in with. I bought a second system so parents can train at the same time as their children, the transformations for both are remarkable (mom stresses out less about child, child can sense that, they both bond in a new way etc). Really wonderful stuff!

I also bought 2 Personal systems which I rent out for home training, this makes it much more affordable for families to train and for kids on the spectrum who may want to train more frequently. The results are just as incredible for the renters training at home as they are for people coming into my office.

I hope some day these systems will be as accessible as your local gym. Seriously, everyone benefits!