Well, the situation with my son was complicated for a bunch of reasons. First, we had to drop NFT #1 after 16 sessions rather abruptly since we were paying out-of pocket. So we had a two-week period between NFT #1 and NFT #2 (who took insurance) where DS was like an addict or bipolar and completely unreasonable/irrational. DS had just started to get use to NFT (and diet which had been completely flipped) and to end it so abruptly with NFT #1 caused blowups and major opposition.

Moral of the story here is to try to find a NFT who takes your insurance so you don't go broke and can provide x sessions that your child needs.

Second, with NFT, you're basically re-wiring the brain - from the core, from side to side, top to bottom, etc. Without NFT, a child's brain is somewhat like a record player getting stuck in a grove (or at least that's how it was explained to me by NFT #1). So it's not that a child willfully wants to be oppositional or irrational, but that they may have trouble getting out of that grove without NFT. Think Explosive Child book here.

Third, I'd say that it took until about Thanksgiving for my son to get his brain comfortable with NFT and for it to stick. When we initially saw NFT #2, they gave me a brain map that showed DS's excessive delta waves (associated with a brain injury rather than ADHD) and told me that I was quite right to continue with NFT. NFT #2 said that DS probably started to accept the NFT with NFT #1 but that it didn't stick entirely as evident from the excessive delta brain waves.

Fourth, in hindsight, I can say some of the oppositional behavior was, unfortunately, age-related (still is), but some of it was due to my son's brain adjusting to NFT and a new state of mind/reality where the left/right hemispheres of the brain were no longer at war so to speak. We had a similar situation with VT before DS's brain accepted the new reality/worldview.

Bedwetting - yes, DS is 7 and yes I heard it was hereditary too from my son's pediatrician in Nov. Of course, when I mentioned this to my mother, she then informs me that her younger brother was a bedwetter until 10 yrs or something. I kind of wish my mother told me this gem of information before - along with some of the eg gems about him and her sister - but what can you say?

Things are looking up? Well, I hope so. After 7 years of various specialists, therapies, interventions, and misdiagnoses, I'm a bit spent. It's exhausting. Still, I always hope others can benefit from our experience and NFT is still relatively new to most people.

One of the benefits of NFT, especially for those who like objective/empirical data, is that you actually can get evidence of improvement with brain maps. When DS started with NFT #2, his excessive delta waves dropped by half from the end of Oct to the middle of Dec. His low beta brain waves also increased during this time as well. So it's not something subjective. You get actually compare brain wave activity over periods of time. And then you can explain why a child is behaving so differently or why his behavior is so improved due to the increases/decreases in brain wave activity. With other therapies, this just isn't possible or viable.