DD has now completed 30 sessions, we are noticing lots of little positive things, but generally an all around more happy and relaxed nature. (DH commented last week "she seems much happier and like she lost the chip on her shoulder"). Today we went to an interview for a program she thought she might be interested in, (a situation that would normally cause her major anxiety). I noticed that she looked the guy in the eye and extended her hand first for a handshake upon leaving (this never ever would have happened before). I asked her how she felt and she said that while she was aware that she was in unfamiliar territory/uncomfortable situation, she noticed a distinct lack of physical symptoms or discomfort (fight or flight response that she typically would have felt). So, so far: sleep, quick math fact recall, anxiety and overall "zen" seem to have improved significantly. YAY :-)

Oh, and the CBT went out the window :-(. The therapist wasn't even doing that with DD, when I reminded the therapist that that is what I hired her for she said "well, I guess we could try working on breathing exercises" Sigh....

Originally Posted by DeeDee
Originally Posted By: cdfox
You don't have to agree with these authors though....
Parents have to be invested in it. Otherwise, it's not going to be effective.

If it's a matter of belief, then it's a religion. If it works on someone else, it should work on them regardless of what's in my head about it.

I think being invested and believing are 2 different things here. If you don't invest the time to go at least twice a week and continue for at least 35 sessions, you may not see permanent and profound change.

DeeDee, I shared your concerns when the list of issues that NFT addresses became so long and diverse, but I think a lot of those things have some overlap. I.e. a sleep disorder may be the result of anxiety. Anxiety is a big part of autism, if the anxiety is removed or significantly lessened by NFT, it seems natural that you would say NFT helped with both sleep disorders and autism.

cdfox, thanks for posting the links! I hope you will share your experience with NFT here for others too!