Originally Posted by cdfox
NFT - in my opinion, should be the route to treat ADHD, anxiety, autism, sleep, etc. BEFORE any medication. If a child doesn't respond to NFT (and there's 20% or so who do not), then prescribe medication. BUT for the 75-80% of children where NFT could greatly reduce or completely eliminate ADHD, anxiety, sleep disorders, and possibly autism, it seems pretty silly to me not to do it (unless you're blissfully, innocently unaware of it).

The more disorders a treatment claims to cure, the more skeptical I become. Although some people with autism also have impaired attention, ADHD is at its base very different from autism. Likewise sleep disorders have lots of different causes.

I'm very interested to know more, and I'm grateful to you and Nik for providing some details and links.

At the same time, the claim to cure so many very distinct problems with one tool smells of pseudoscience to me. Treatments that make such big claims can indeed be as much or more of a hoax as anything "big pharma" produces.


Last edited by DeeDee; 07/19/12 06:24 PM. Reason: modified language