DeeDee - healthy skepticism is good and beneficial to you as a parent. No offense to me. Agree with MumOfThree. There are a lot of snake oil treatments and a lot of medical professionals who give less than stellar advice or are down right medically negligent. Been there, done that. That's why it's imperative to get a second, third, or even fourth opinion at times and question the medical profession.

I speak as a parent who had a child born with deformed head and neck - yet is eg/pg. So I went through numerous specialists, therapies and alternative treatments for my DS. IF I had always followed the research and more conventional recommendations for my DS, then he would never might still have a deformed head and neck or not showing any signs of eg/pg.

Not every alternative treatment will work for every child or every diagnosis.

DeeDee - I agree that some therapies can harm a child. Yes, that's true. If a child with muscular torticollis starts physical therapy without knowing the cause of the deformed neck or some tests, such as neck x-rays, then pt may cause further damage.

I fully realize that autism is a different set of issues. I've got an older sister and father on the autism spectrum. My sister is a lower functioning Asperger's. She had some treatment from 3-6 yrs of age, but then got nothing. She's now 46 so things were quite different 30-40 years ago. If she had ABA or some other kind of further intervention years ago, would it have made a bigger difference in her life? I can't say, but I'd like to think it would. I don't know if NFT would make a difference, but I like to think it would have or would today. I'd give my eye tooth for a better social/emotional functioning sister, though I know there is no magic cure to treating autism.

I'm not an expert on NFT, but from what I've read and researched I think it offers a lot of parents hope and a possible alternative treatment for children. Whether it would greatly reduce or eliminate a child's disorder/s is another matter. It may; it may not.

I'll keep people posted once we find someone and start treatment.

Nik - please keep us posted. I'm finding your results very encouraging.