Originally Posted by cdfox
Do you know how early can they start NFT? Do you know how they determine if NFT is warranted or not? How do they determine results or how many sessions are needed? Thanks.

I asked DD's therapist and he said the youngest he as seen had just turned 4 years old. He said at that age the treatment works much faster and less sessions are necessary due to how (plastic?) their brains are but for the same reason it may not have permanent results as it seems to on older patients. He said there have not been studies on the lasting effects for patients that young. I think they review the individual's case history and current difficulties to determine whether NFT could help. I think it is generally accepted that it helps with ADHD based on studies. Many believe it helps with other things too. I read that sports teams have been using it to gain a competitive edge by learning to control focus.

So far I can personally attest that it helps with sleep issues and quick recall of math facts...I will update if/when I can see anything else by way of significant change.