Originally Posted by notnafnaf
Public schools have to take everyone.

This is a powerful and important point. But it has multiple implications. Many here are using it in an "ewwww - they have to take everybody way." I'm exaggerating a bit. But really - that's the point.

For DS7, there's a flip side to "everyone." Notwithstanding the challenge presented by his extreme asynchrony - they have to take him. Speaking frankly, he'd probably be asked to leave many private schools with a "we can't meet his needs" explanation. And they're right - they probably can't. They could also try a little harder. But why - when they have a waiting list of easier kids they could bring in instead.

But in public school - they're effectively stuck with DS. And I work my ever-lovin' backside off for the school, to help them help him. Volunteering, supporting the school, backing up the teacher. Yes - there are awful folks in the system. But awesome ones as well. But I scramble every day to get the good ones on my son's team. I'm just constantly trying to find a path of least resistance/best resources to help them do well what they are stuck with doing anyway - having my DS in the school.

It has not been smooth. Last year was a nightmare. But all my legwork paid off with a great teacher assignment this year. And things have been much better. Next year - fingers crossed. But the good news is that the principal is now a friend, and definitely "on the team." I still have a seizure every time I see the school's caller ID on my phone. But I can't deny that he is growing and learning this year, and is generally happy, and learning to function in the challenge that is our diverse and goofy and sometimes unfair world.