Still not certain that our DS (turning two in March) is gifted, but since he read his first word this week, I'm beginning to think it's sealed...

DH is a year away from his PhD in economics--has never had an IQ test that I'm aware of, but he's got to be at least moderately gifted to get where he is. He also has uncles and cousins who have engineering degrees. He has at least one cousin on the autism spectrum.

I've never been tested either, but I'd guess I'm roughly around 120-130 range. After my telling my parents about my toddler's abilities recently, they started telling me stories I'd never heard before about how my brother knew the alphabet backwards at 2 and how I myself read "early." I am now a proofreader/editor.

DS definitely takes after me in interests and I think he gets the intensity from his father. DH suspects he himself has dyslexia, but DS and I have the opposite ... hyperlexia? At 18 months old DS was picking up smooth stones and telling me "zero" and "D" as he handed me one rock that was oblong and another that was flat on one end and round on the other. The kid sees letters in EVERYTHING.