When DH and I talk about the cognitive strengths our kids have, we can see traits that they get from one or both of us; there are traits from both that seem to surpass what either parent has. This apparent synergistic effect may be related to environment, though, as neither of us was encouraged cognitively the way our kids are.

That mirrors our household, as well. DD is both the sum of, and more than, either of us as individuals. I think that what makes us not automatically think of her in exclusively those terms is my father, who shared a certain personality and set of strengths/interests with her. But we also don't have any way to see them side-by-side-- so she reminds people of him. People who knew my father remark on it.

She was another one who was extremely remarkable as a newborn and young infant. Her level of motor control, curiosity, and alertness raised a LOT of comment from every one of the professionals in the delivery room. We have those exclamations on tape.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.