I'm one of those poster kids for undiagnosed gifted girls I think. I am not sure what my log is/was, but I know that I scored in the top 5 (not percent) in the country (Australia) in a test they give all year 7's. I was always in the top group for everything but because I went to 6 primary schools I never got the basics of maths so pretty much failed math all the way through and thought I was terrible at it. I'm now doing some self directed study in astro physics so maybe not so bad at math after all?
I always felt a fraud and I pretty much just showed up for high school and barely scraped through with a score suitable for a bottom rate university entrance. Because I didn't put in any effort I was never offered or put forward for the "smart kid stuff" which I think only exacerbated the feelings of fraud. Anyway I eventually transferred to a top rate uni, got a very interesting degree in political science and subsequentially never worked a day in my chosen field (ARGGH) I did eventually sit our states public service exam - I believe it takes 3 hours? I'm not sure but I did it in an hour and I may have been under the influence of something green at the time, turns out I scored above the 99.99% yay me, was headhunted by the military which would have been fab, but eventually decided that I would rather travel and settled down into a nice lovely life with the kiddos.

I think I tested DD4 so young because although I have reached a point myself where I am content with my lot, I would hate for her to go through the low self esteem etc that I went through. My estranged father turned out to be a powerful lobbyist, my mother is one of those people who has no common sense what so ever (note the 6 primary schools above) yet can recall any fact ever known to man (plus a few she makes up on a regular basis). My sister followed a similar path to me but has now worked her way into a high level project management career.

So yes I do believe it is genetic, but if the parents aren't switched on, or are distracted by divorce like mine, or have low self esteem/issues related to gt then I believe generations can not realise their potential.

Anyway I sound like a total whinger, and yes I did have to swallow some bitter pills, but I do firmly believe that intrinsic motivation is what determines your success not your upbringing, sadly I have been very lacking that department! onward and upwards though!!! lifes not all bad :-)