I don't know, though--all due respect, but I read everyone's suggestions and think "But we do that." Oh, and we do. Over and over. Sometimes it does work. Other times, I feel like we're just pushing the ball along to another spot. So, we may get through the toothbrushing thing with that type of exchange, but now she's mad because she "lost." The feeling is still there and will move forward to the next event when we make a request. And at that time, there may not be good leverage, or we need to get out of the house, or there is additional complexity that makes "so we simply don't...and she simply must..." not feasible (note: many times it is, but not always). So I don't always feel like these techniques are really working at all. I get the feeling a lot like we are papering something over, something deeper that is causing these battles to recur and recur. So yes, I generally know how to get compliance, because I have figured out ways. But what is the cost? And why is the lasting change largely absent?

And I have to say, I have another child who is more typical in personality and persistence and we are freaking ninjas at parenting that one (except when it comes to sibling issues, because put her in there and chaos can happen) because typical parenting crap, hell, that's easy.