Ok then. You may think this is overkill, but I took everyone's posts, put them in a Word Doc, highlighted the advice in green, and sent it on the DH. This way he can scan quickly (he gets spoon fed all the giftedness info when he gets home at night!!). I am hyper-organized about this kind of info. I have printed out emails and/or made files to keep track of all the correspondence going back and forth from our house to the school because I will forget who said what and when. In my business, if it didn't get documented, it didn't happen.
-DH emailed the teacher last night. I didn't know until this morning. He used his psych. words (he is in the mental health field) that are so good and let her know that I would be bringing that letter to the principal today.
-I emailed the principal asking for a quick meeting just to show her psychologist's letter and to let her know that I truly appreciate her help/really don't want to be such a bother/it's not easy as parents but we feel that we must move forward/how can we work together....
-I sent a second email to the principal asking for the 2nd 504 meeting to be set up soon. Indicated that the psych. will be there to discuss DD's "dual identification". Psych. has asked for the school AIG teacher to be there along with a whole host of others. It will be a crowded meeting. Director of gifted after school classes will be sending a letter concerning DD. He's a Duke professor so that hopefully will be of help as well.

Whew! That's all so far. I will keep all of you wonderful people updated as things progress. I think we all need a big party somewhere to support each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!