Originally Posted by ABQMom
Bluemagic, - the principal asked if I'd considered that he might not make it through high school. I told her that, of course I had, but I was expecting that maturity, better support, and therapy to make the possibility a lot less. Here is hoping the same for you!
On the phone the psychologist we are going to see tomorrow mentioned Early College programs. This is something I have considered for some time, but I'm not sure how to make it work. And these would required at least another year IN high school. Unlike other districts in my area, mine doesn't have anything set up with the local community colleges.

Keep in mind that in H.S. they do have to PASS the class or they have to re-take it. No more social passing. And the grade will matter if he wants to attend university. My son is passing his classes, but at this point, it's just passing. He grades will go up after finals because he tests very well. Will the school work with you to get preferential teacher picks? I find different teachers, learning styles work better for my son. There was the 8th grade science teacher who interpreted one of my son's doodle as making fun of her, and other teachers that just "get" him and everything goes a lot smoother.

Last edited by bluemagic; 06/01/14 11:03 PM.