Oh ABQMom!


First let me tell you how happy I was to see your moniker when I logged on. I've thought of you a number of times and hoped things were going well for you and your DS. Second let me tell you that I *loved* your blog post. The teachers may not get it but rest assured that we do. We get it in spades! Thank you for voicing the frustrations that we all feel.

As others have said I probably wouldn't share the blog with his teachers. For me it's less about fanning the flames - really how much worse could the situation really get? It's more because it wouldn't do much good. What I would consider, however, is possibly sharing it with the 2E director. If I recall correctly last year you discovered your district has a 2E program and that person was influential in getting your DS into the gifted program. If my memory is correct I think that person could really benefit from seeing this. Let him (or her) see what the 2E experience is really like in the district. Let him see what challenges need to be addressed in order for your DS to have a chance of succeeding in HS.

I think your experience is incredibly valuable for all of us here and I thank you for sharing it. It has confirmed for me that I do not ever want to be in that position as the cog in the center of the wheel. Unfortunately if the parent takes on that role it allows the school to abdicate its responsibility. It opens the door for just what you so eloquently described.

I can see this blog serving a really important purpose - it shows the need for someone ON THE DISTRICT TEAM to take on the role as the cog in the wheel. Someone ON THE DISTRICT TEAM to be the one keeping tabs on how DS is doing and fielding the questions and listening to the teachers vent. Your job is to be his mom and you do that amazingly well. You need to have the room to do that job and if you are the cog in the wheel here you are being cast in a different role.

I remember last year you were having difficulty with a specific teacher - math or science right? I pointed out that sometimes people have to be hit upside the head with a cluebat. You have drafted a really good cluebat here. Personally I think sharing your frustrations with the 2E director will give you the most bang for your buck. Let him be the one to swing that bat.

Welcome back. I hope all this feedback is what you were looking for.