Originally Posted by Irena
And more trouble! I picked up DS from school and they are doing money for math, which DS learned, I don't know - last summer maybe? I seem to remember them doing some money in 1st grade too... Anyway, he raised his hand and asked for a harder worksheet b/c this one was too easy for him and the teacher responded by asking the entire class to each raise their hand if they though what DS asked for was just him "bragging." And so everyone raised their hand.

Irena, this would have made me furious! I did walk away from my reply for a few minutes to think through - but really, what the teacher did is bullying. I would absolutely bring this up at the meeting. If the teacher doesn't want your ds asking for a challenging worksheet in front of the rest of the class, that's fine. There are other ways to handle it - in my ds' 3rd grade classroom math worksheets were left out on three different clipboards - easy, moderate, and challenging, and the kids just picked whichever worksheet was their level to work on. No "bragging" (argh!!) required.

I would personally like to have a talk with your ds' teacher - lol! But I am sure she doesn't want to hear from me wink
