DS's teacher thinks that the next teacher is just going to carry on next year the way she has and teach him whatever he needs to master next. She said "I'm teaching him the negative integers because that's what showed up on computerized test as an objective." It's wonderful that she has done that, but I'm not sure what planet she is on. From everything that I've read here and my experience with the other school, what she is doing is not normal.
DD hasn't learned anything for a good long time. The teacher tried reading groups for about 2 weeks and then gave up. So everyone does the same reading. DD says that someone pulled them out to assess them and now they each have a "letter" but it's up to them if they want to read and what book they want to read. If they have any reading instruction, the whole class gets instructed on the same thing. So your school looks like a dream compared to that. smile Just to put it in perspective. smile