Originally Posted by ljoy
We haven't met with the school yet. I think we were pursuing 504 rather than IEP because IEPs provide tutoring services for one period a day and she doesn't want to give up an elective. Since she has an existing medical 504 it will also be relatively fast to set up, and we want it in place before the summer math placement exam. We may try for IEP also if it seems worth it, but it would probably be November before it was set up. Is this a reasonable plan?

The I in IEP stands for INDIVIDUAL. If she doesn't need or want to give up the elective, there is no reason to. Services can be pushed into a class, or delivered as summer tutoring, or whatever the team agrees is appropriate to that particular student.

2E kids in particular have IEPs that don't look like "standard" IEPs. But there should be NO standard IEP.

First, identify the needs as clearly as you can, then you and the school team and your DD should together figure out what steps will address those needs, THEN work it into a schedule that works for her.