No real question, just need to express my relief at results that make sense...

DD12 just had more testing done.

3 years ago she had the DAS-II without the processing speed subtest: result 132, nicely balanced, but she was sobbing in class every day.

This spring she had a wider set of tests. Most of them came out in the 95-120 range, quite variable, with these exceptions.

VCI 142
PRI 141
WMI 123
PSI 94
GAI 151


WJ III Cog Rapid Picture Naming 89
WJ III Ach Academic Fluency 86 (all fluency subtests were below 95)
TOWL 3 and WPT - all subtests at or below 1st percentile

So, I guess now I know I belong in this section of the forum. frown
The office that did the testing does educational interventions, not neuropsych, and while they described her as 2E they are not specialists in it. So... if we want to do anything further with this than get a 504 and a writing ed therapist, we need to find another office. Sigh.