I'm finding a lot of useful information here. I've been drawing up comparison charts and trying to track exactly how much college DS11 can manage to get under his belt while the school is still paying for it, and I've come to the conclusion that we may have made a mistake in skipping 6th grade. If he could have done Algebra I this year as a 6th grader instead of a 7th grader, he'd be that much ahead of the game. But it's only one class (actually only 1/2 of a class, as he started at semester with the 2nd half), and I guess it will work out.

I'm looking at the classes at the e-school, at his regular school, and at the two colleges they work with, and trying to figure out a course of action that will get him the most paid-for college credits along the way. I thought he might still have two years' leeway because he'll be a senior at 16 and could still stay in, doing college classes, as long as he didn't let them graduate him, but I'm not sure now -- it looks like he can do one year of college after his senior year if he doesn't graduate, under the concurrent program, but possibly not two.

But the tossup is AP classes vs concurrent college classes, and the hangup is how many at which school are allowed, and in which order.