Originally Posted by polarbear
My experience with AP courses (me taking them) is like ancient history at this point, but as my ds is moving into high school I've been a bit surprised at how they seem to have evolved since I was in high school. It's disappointing to me to see that so many of them seem to be the equivalent of 1 semester's worth of a college course rather than a full year's worth, and my dh and I are now seriously rethinking - do we send our ds to the high school program that allows for the most AP courses or do we send him to a program which will allow him to start taking college courses earlier and just skip the AP courses.
Do you have a school in your area that will allow him to take college courses early? That really isn't an option in my area. One can take community college classes, but the H.S. has to approve these courses and they are unlikely to approve courses for courses they already teach unless there is a major scheduling conflict.

BTW my knowledge of what AP Courses cover what comes from college catalogs, parents of current college students (many at top universities), and UC college professors.