Most kids who take Linear Algebra have taken Calc, though it is not required. Colleges would rather see Calc following Pre-Calc instead of Pre-Calc then Linear Algebra. Unfortunately, the school does not offer Calc III or Differential Equations. You need to go to a college class for these (though many fine colleges are nearby, and some students take this route).

The highest level sequence of math courses in our district requires proofs and critical thinking. College Prep courses do not. Middle kid got cut down a math level this year due to a scheduling issue (still Honors Pre-Calc), and she has complained about the lack of critical thinking problems given in the class. Kid is upset when she doesn't score a 100 on a test (typically due to a dumb error, not lack of understanding). She included this in an essay required to apply to math camp (yet to see if she got in). She isn't particularly a "mathy" type, but she isn't challenged in the math class.

Guess I am surprised by the reactions here, as I thought most posts complain about the lack of challenge - now we seem to be stating that the supposed challenging courses are just fluff. I am certain that is the case in some schools. I have read plenty of articles about schools pushing AP courses, then no one scores higher than a 2. Yes, those courses are fluff. But that isn't the case everywhere.