I love that, Wren.

The nice thing is that everyone here has a kid that is somewhere in the Lamborghini/Ferrari line. Well, some have the less-flambouyant but still highly tempermental German or English sports cars. Those would be the introverted sort. LOL.

One thing that we found with virtual schooling-- well, two things, actually, the latter being a critical consideration for those whose children are either extreme extraverts or introverts:

1. The often demanding curriculum takes as long as it takes. What this means is that there is almost no "wasted" time spent waiting on classmates. More time for extracurricular exploration which can be whatever family, finances, and the world-at-large will bear. This is a lifesaver for kids who NEED more than almost any school can realistically give them.

2. Limited peer-to-peer interactions mean that bullying, etc. is just about non-existent, at least in school. On the other hand, you will have to provide appropriate social interaction outside of "school" for extraverts who need more of it than the model will support. However, see number 1; the good news is that you have a lot more ROOM in your lives to pursue healthy interactions with true peers who have things in common by virtue of shared interests.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.